Hello all!

It’s been a a while since an update has been posted to the site and I am going to try and get back into the swing of things in 2018. Look for some stuff on gaming, parenting, technology, STEM education, and generally anything geeky I have an opinion on.

To catch everyone up. I still am playing games and using them in education. I work full time as the STEM program coordinator at New Heights a local youth program (newheightsonline.org) as well as working with Sages, Families First, Friends in Action, and taking on some light website work (if you need a website or help with WordPress let me know).

My family has grown to include my wife Kali, and my 10 month old daughter Alice. I am excited to be on this journey of being a parent and it’s been quite the adventure so far. There are lots of geeky things that are already happening in our lives and it will just get better from here on out.

My wife Kali is super awesome and is creating some beautiful art (operation-art.com) and has a weekly web comic about our family (geekasaurus.net) that you should definitely check it out!

My daughter had a heart problem that was fixed over the new year holiday and she is doing well. It was scary and exhausting but we are fortunate enough to be close to Boston Children’s hospital and to have a wealth of support from family, friends, and even some strangers. There will be some upcoming financial challenges but other than that we are all good!

In the next few weeks I plan on writing some reviews of tech that we are using to augment our parenting as well as some gaming goodness, and any upcoming events we will be attending. We have a large stack of games that are in shrink wrap waiting to be played, and lots of stories to tell.