It’s time for TotalCon 2012! I’ll be attending this awesome convention this weekend in Mansfield, MA and would love to meet up to game and chat.

I’ll be arriving Thursday afternoon and staying until Sunday afternoon. I’ll make it easy for you to find me by wearing a Sages of RPG shirt each day. I’ll also take a page from Ben Gerber over at Troll in the Corner and post up a pic for you to find me.

Throughout the weekend I’ll try and post some highlights. But if I don’t get to it during the con I’ll post about it shortly after.

I have created a Geeklist on BoardGameGeek of the games I would like to tryout or get on the table. I’ll be bringing along some of my favorites as well as some of my prototypes or people to try. Most of the weekend is not scheduled and will be filled with Open Gaming. So if you are ever up for a game, or looking for a player send me an email or tweet @SagesOfRPG!

Sages will also have a table in the main hallway right near the dealer room that I will be hanging around when not playing in a game. Please come by and say hello.

For minute to minute details throughout the con, and to see when I am searching for players- Follow @SagesOfRPG ;on Twitter !

Happy Gaming and hope to see you there!